Tuesday, February 14, 2023

 One morning a few weeks ago, I stepped out onto the porch, and my eyes traveled to the bird feeder in our front yard. A cardinal perched there while eating his breakfast, and I was reminded of God's love for me. Every time I see a cardinal, I think, "God loves me," for that was the sign I chose several years ago. I noticed that cardinals often come out around Valentine's Day in January and February. They come out during more than just these two months, but I feel like right now they are making their presence more known.

The good thing is, God's love lasts more than these two months. Valentine's is just an extra special reminder. I may not have a human Valentine right now, but I have God - He's the best Valentine ever. He loves me. I am His, and He is mine. There is no love like God's love. God's love does not come and go or change like the seasons.

It led me to think of ways I can make God my Valentine this year. Maybe this will be a help to you, too. 

First, when we love someone or at least start to show an interest in someone, we want to get to know him/her.  We want to find out what he likes or dislikes. We want to know his personality and who he is. We want to know what they like to do. I am not in a relationship right now, but there was a short time that I talked to a young man. I wanted to get to know him and learn his likes and dislikes. No, it did not work out between us, but I did get to experience the talking stage of getting to know someone. We can do that with God. Last year for my devotions, I studied God and Who He is. I learned so much about Him last year. Even though I grew up in a Christian home, there is still so much to learn about Him. I will learn more all my life, and then I'll have eternity.

We can learn about God by reading His Word, studying it, memorizing it, and keeping it in our hearts. When you read His Word, it's like reading His valentine/love letter. (As a side note, do you know how couples would send letters to each other and they would spray their perfume/cologne on them? God may not do this with His Divine Letter to us, but when I get a new Bible, I like to smell its fresh paper and print smell. While that may seem silly to some, to true book lovers it would not. If you see my nose buried in a Bible, it's not because I can't see. It's because it is a new Bible with that new-book smell.☺) We can also get to know Him by watching Christians - the Christ-like children of God. Just about everything they do glorifies God. That's how it can be with people. We can sometimes learn about someone we are interested in by watching the ones they are close to or watching their family. The family has the inside scoop on how they act at home. Likewise, you can learn much about God by talking to the ones who spend the most time with Him.

Another way we can make God our Valentine is by talking to Him. When a couple is dating, courting, or simply in the talking stage. they will talk, and talk, and talk - sometimes for hours. God wants us to talk to Him in prayer. Pray without ceasing - be in a constant state of prayer like He is literally standing right beside us as we go about our day. I even like to write letters to God sometimes. Spending time with Him is a great way to make God our Valentine.

There is a place where spirits blend
Where friend holds fellowship with friend -
A place than all beside more sweet
It is the blood-bought mercy seat.

Not only can we make Him our Valentine by reading His love letter and talking to him, but we can also make God our Valentine by serving Him. This love language is called acts of service. Our lives are well spent when we spend them serving God. As one of our favorite preachers used to say, "It pays to serve God." Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." We can serve Him with our obedience and actions. When we love someone, we want to do sweet things for them. That is how it can be with our Heavenly Valentine. We also show our love for Him by serving others. Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind; and to love our neighbor as ourselves. First John has much to say about loving God and loving others.

We can dive even deeper than this by giving our lives to Him. That is the most powerful way to show our love. Romans 12 calls it a living sacrifice. The Gospel of John goes yet deeper when Jesus talked of laying down one's life - "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." - (John 15:13) "We love him because he first loved us." - (1 John 4:19) John could write about love, for he was close to Jesus. He also said in 1 John 3:16 "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." We cannot say we love the God Who laid down His life for us if we do not love others.  

Lastly, but not finally, we can make Him our Valentine by talking about Him.  When a couple starts getting close via talking, dating, or courting, they constantly talk about each other. That is all you ever hear practically. "He did this... He said this... He likes this... Oh, he's just so wonderful. I am so lucky." Their heads are in the clouds because of that person. You can just tell they are Valentines because they cannot help but talk about each other. 

You know that is how it should be with God. Think of it this way. You cannot stop talking about God and all that He is or has done. You have spent so much time with Him. You have read His Love Letter a hundred times, or at least more than once. You are constantly doing things for Him. You have given Him your heart (which is another way to make Him your Valentine). You are His, and He is yours. So what do you do? You talk about Him. You praise and glorify Him in your speech, even in the songs you sing. You talk of all His wondrous works. You tell others about Him and His great sacrifice for us. You want others to know Him and get saved, so you talk about Him. You proclaim His name. Then that love inside changes your countenance. Sometimes you do not have to say anything (but you cannot help but say something) for your face, eyes, and smile show you are in love. They notice. They ask why you are so happy, and who is the lucky guy. You smile again, and then you tell them His name - God. You tell them Who He is - your heavenly Father, your Savior, Your Comforter. You tell them what He has done for your - laid down his life then rose again to save you from your sins then give you earthly blessings and heavenly riches. You cannot help but tell them - whether they ask or not. You talk about Him constantly because He's your Valentine.

Keeping my heart for my Heavenly Valentine
Elisabeth Kristine

1 comment:

  1. Wow Beth this is really, really good!! He's such a good God and best friend, isn't He!?
