Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Makings of an Esther

One of my favorite stories in the Bible has been the story of Esther. I have enjoyed the story ever since I was a young girl. I was just amazed that God could use a young lady to save a nation. One year when I was nine or so, my siblings and I each took a story from the Bible and had to teach it with visual aids. I chose the story of Esther. I dressed up for it, crafted a golden scepter, and maybe drew a picture or something; but when it came to tell the story, I completely botched it. My family patiently sat for what seemed like hours to a young girl as I stumbled through the story. They even had to encourage me to finish the telling of it. Even though I had stage fright, so to speak, I still had a love for the story of Esther. After that, more than ever did I want to have courage like Esther. 

I am amazed that God would want to use a shy young lady such as I. May I encourage you, dear reader, that God wants to use you? He does. No matter what your personality or background, God wants to use you for such a time as this. We may not have the beauty of Esther, but that is not what matters. As I was reading my Bible one day, I came upon this verse that stood out to me - "The king's daughter is all glorious within" (Psalm 45:13). Those of us who are saved into God's family are children of the King. Young lady, if that is you, then you are a king's daughter! It does not matter what is on the outside. Like God told Samuel when he was looking for a king, God looks on the heart. God wants to make our inside beautiful if we would only yield it to him. That is what Esther had to do. At first she was fearful to go before the king, but when she decided to yield herself to God, God gave her the courage to face her fears and save her people.

Yes, Esther is an inspiration to me, even now. One of my favorite songs is "For Such a Time as This." I am so amazed that God wants to use me.

One of my dreams has been to be a writer and write books that would be a blessing to young ladies. A couple years ago, on a Sunday morning while getting ready for church, ideas started flowing for a new book. I had been dabbling in writing for awhile and had started two books that needed to be finished. (That is something I need to work on: finishing what I start. :) Now I had an idea for a new book. I quickly wrote down my ideas before leaving on the bus route. I new I needed to write down the ideas before it left me. I do not know if I had been watching a royal Hallmark movie that week or what, but I started wondering what it would be like to go to a strange country and become a princess. Even though I loved the story of Esther, I had never really wanted to become a queen or princess. After reading the Bible books of Kings and Chronicles, I knew becoming royalty was not all it is cracked up to be in fairy tales. None the less, I wondered what it would be like. Can you guess which Bible character I was inspired to base the story on? Yes, it was Esther. In one year, I had managed to write more on this one story than I had managed to write on my other two books that I started five years prior. It has been a long journey so far, but one day, I hope to get all three published. I will have to share the story of how I started writing in another post.

I have a ways to go before I get there, but in the mean time, I would love to give you a glimpse of what my story titled, The King's Heart in the LORD's Hands, is about...

She is just a small-town preacher’s daughter, but there is more to her than what meets the eye. When she is taken away to be the bride of a faraway king who is a baby Christian, she wonders if her faith can keep her strong. This young king has his work cut out for him as he tries to woo and court her. As Bethany tries to figure things out, she is challenged to be a witness and make a difference. Reminded of the Esther of the Bible, she knows she must have the courage to face the unknown when it comes to royalty.

            What would you do if you were taken as a captive to marry a man you did not know, a man who is a king from a distant country? Do you become angry and bitter, or do you make the most of the opportunity to be a witness and save many people from a wicked adversary? Would you have the courage to face your fears, perhaps laying down your life to save others as a modern day Esther?

            What will it take to make you, an ordinary Hadassah, into a courageous Esther? Would you trust the proverb – The King’s Heart in the LORD’s Hands – is really true?

May Esther’s Legacy Live On

Elisabeth Kristine Gimenez

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