Monday, January 25, 2021

That All The Earth May Know That There Is a God

    As this blog post title says, this year's theme for my church is "That All the Earth May Know That There is a God." This theme comes from I Samuel 17 when David went to fight Goliath. He said God would deliver him "that all the earth may that know there is a God." Our lives should show that there is a God. Are we living in such a way that proves there is? 

    On the second Sunday in January, we had a sling the stone Sunday. As you have probably heard, VSIBC has been on a building program for the past couple of years, and this year we are really praying that God allows us to start and complete the building process. So, by faith, after the the morning service we all loaded up into our cars and on the bus to go up to our church property and watch the first tree fall. And fall it did. Not just one, mind you. No, our men are very eager to begin clearing out the property and start building, so not one, but three trees fell. (Goliath did have brothers, you know. What we should have done was cut down the same number of trees as the same number of giants in Goliath's family :)

    We want all that we do this year to show that there is indeed a God. He is still saving, still answering prayers, and still working miracles. This year, for our goals, we even added something a little different. Preacher and his assisstant asked that everyone that had a miracle ask they were praying about, that they would write it down, and the whole church would pray for that list. Some of them were to be debt free, some were for lost family members, and so forth. I am excited to see how God answers those prayers.

    I do not know if I have said anything about this before, but I love listening to good Christian music. I love categorizing my music on YouTube. I have a lot of different playlists. I have a Joy of Salvation playlist, Cleaning playlist, Easter playlist, Christmas playlist, Favorites playlist, and almost anything you can imagine. I love listening to music. I was trying to find a song that went with our theme, but I could not find exactly what I had in mind. One Saturday, as three of us Gimenez girls were cleaning the church, God just started putting words to a song in my head. It is all a God-thing, I believe. I cannot write music of my own accord. I owe it all to the Lord. I read the story of David and Goliath, and I also read what Dad and Josh wrote on our goals tri-fold that they passed out. In the course of a day, the Lord helped me put together a song with the Lord's help. Once the melody was near completion, I went to one of our faithful, talented, ready to help, piano players - Brenna. I really could not have gotten it all settled without her. I like how she can hear a tune, then learn it on the piano. She, like my Mom, really has a talent for the Lord. This time I had my sister and Mom sing it with me. I am so thankful that they were ready to learn a new song and sing it with me. You can listen to the song by going to my church's Facebook page and watching the service from Sunday morning 1/24/2021. (You would also have the added blessing of tuning in to our church's Winter Revival which was Sunday and continues Monday through Wednesday at 7pm. I encourage you to watch the services. The preacher we have in is one of our favorites. We had the blessing of hearing him Sunday morning and Sunday night. I am looking forward to what the rest of the week holds.)

I thought I would share the chorus with you on my blog. I hope it is a blessing to you...

"There is a God. He's still at work. There is a God. To see Him work, we must live in such a way that others may know today. He still can save. He still can work. that all the earth may know there is a God."

Are you living in such a way? Are you praying that God will work miracles so those around you can see there is a God? That is my prayer for you.

Keep your heart, so you can keep serving Him.

Elisabeth Kristine

Thursday, January 21, 2021

2 Years in the Making

   On January 18, 2019, I started my book, The King's Heart in the LORD's Hands. It has been quite a journey as I've seen my characters come to life. Probably many authors feel like me, at least I hope I'm not the only one,  that the characters in my book are like my friends.

Mondays are the day I set aside to write; sometimes to my heart's content. Sadly, my writing time has been sporadic at best. I feel proud of myself for coming this far in two years. This book has been the quickest in the making. At least it's gone faster than my first book that I started, oh, eight years ago maybe. I know. That is a longgggg time😁. Once I finally finished college last May, I guess I felt I was more free in time and mind to write more. 

When I realized that it would be two years on January 18, I knew that I at least wanted to reach the climax. I just about made it Monday, and then today, another day I often write, I was able to reach my goal. I still have the climax and the end, but I am excited at where I am at. It's the farthest I've gotten in one of my books. I now have 25 chapters, about 200 pages, and over 55,000 words. Yay! 

My desire/dream and goal is to finish my book and get it published in one year from now. As I always say, we shall see...

Seriously though. Please keep me accountable. I know my Grandma is cheering me on. I told her how far I've gotten, and she is excited for me to read what I have to her when she comes to visit. 

Until then...