Friday, June 16, 2023

Just a Thought...

As I was writing King's Heart and others, I craved approval. I wanted the guy I was talking to to be interested in my writing, but he never asked about it. (FYI: talking was short-lived when I learned he was not God's will for me). I hoped some friends would be interested, but I never really heard from them. Sometimes I wondered if it was God's will for me to write, even though I loved writing.  The first time my dad read it, it took a while, but I totally got that. 

Why do we want approval from others when we should be most concerned with pleasing God by our faith?

As I set up an account with Amazon KDP, I made a PowerPoint to show my family so I could ask them about certain aspects of my writing, book, etc. My parents volunteered to do one last read-through edit, albeit quicker than the previous read-through, which was read out loud. I was so glad when my dad started reading it on his own, for he is not a big reader like the rest of our family. A couple of days ago, as we were sitting at our desks, he editing on paper and me editing on my computer, he pointed out something in my book that he advised needed tweaking. Then, he said some of the sweetest words a writer wants to hear, "Beth, you really are a good writer."

Those words warmed my heart. That's the kind of approval I had been hoping for.

What about when it comes to God? Do we desire to hear God say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"? We should desire to please our Heavenly Father most of all. His approval is what truly matters. 

I think I had hoped too much for approval from people when I should have been seeking to please God. I want Him to be pleased by my faith, and I want everything I do to please Him.


May God be pleased by your heart of faith.     -Hebrews 11:5

Elisabeth Kristine


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